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See 威尼斯电玩城游戏下载 for important information on the climate-related content on this website.



We are working hard to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity of our operations while developing the next generation of lower-carbon energy solutions.
例如, 威尼斯电玩城手游的天然气管道系统, 威尼斯电玩城手游正在运用多种战略来实现现代化, improve operational efficiency and decarbonize the energy sources that support our operations.
A significant portion of our emissions are from the combustion of fuel used by compressor units on our natural gas pipelines. 减少这一主要排放源, we are working to gradually convert our compressor fleet to electric motor drives, 在哪里可以这样做.



就像天然气从管道中流过一样, 由于管道上的摩擦,它变慢了, 导致压力下降. 保证气体在安全的情况下流动, 可靠的速度, 在管道沿线的位置重新加压. This is done by mechanically compressing the gas at sites connected to the pipeline – known as compressor stations. Compressor stations move the natural gas through pipelines to reach homes, 医院, 学校和其他设施提供日常舒适, 比如加热, 冷却和烹饪.
The location and number of compressor stations needed on a pipeline system is dependent on several factors, 包括管道的运行压力, 管子的直径, elevation changes along the route and the volume of gas to be transported.



New technology allows for zero-emission electric motors or hybrid compressor units to replace traditional gas-powered compressor units. These compressor units will reduce or eliminate the need for on-site gas consumption, 显著减少管道系统的排放.


什么是Dual Drive Technologies, Ltd.TM(双驱动)压缩机组?

为了增加可靠性(在技术上可行的情况下), 威尼斯电玩城手游将安装和操作双驱动技术, Ltd.TM(“双驱动”)压缩机组在威尼斯电玩城手游的管道. These units will operate on zero-emission, electric-driven motors to compress gas. However, 在紧急情况下, 比如2021年德克萨斯州的停电, the pipeline will temporarily switch to a natural gas-powered engine to keep needed gas supply flowing across its system to places like homes, 医院和学校. 燃气电源只有在紧急情况下才会使用, including during power outages to maintain system reliability and still deliver the energy needed.

Electrification of our compressor stations is already ongoing on some of our projects, including the 弗吉尼亚电气化项目, and will continue to be a key element of optimizing our existing assets.

你可在此了解威尼斯电玩城手游如何减少温室气体排放: www.TCEnergy.com/netzero